“Our goal is to provide extraordinary experiences that also positively impact the places and people visited.”
At Hedy Travel, we make it easy for you to make a difference – either through firsthand experiences or charitable donations.
We partner with suppliers who are committed to conservation and community development. Every trip we plan can be designed to include unique and authentic experiences that offer social, economic and conservation benefits.
Here are a few ways Hedy Travelers can give back:
Contribute to conservation and community development. We partner with hundreds of properties and suppliers around the globe who direct a portion of proceeds to support conservation and community initiatives.
Pack for purpose. Bring school supplies, basic toiletries and over-the-counter medical supplies, like Band aids and antibacterial ointments, to communities in need throughout the globe.
Send a child to school. For every safari sold, an African child that would otherwise stay home due to poverty, gets to go to school.
Make fresh water more accessible. From borehole drilling in Africa to filtered wells in Cambodia, your donation makes a difference.
Donate library books to a school. Meet the children, and enjoy an afternoon reading the books you supplied with the kids.
Plant trees. Combat climate change and make our planet more beautiful from Israel to New Zealand to Iceland.

Have an idea of your own or a special interest?
Tell us! We can help you give back no matter what, where or why.